Welcome to the L.L.C.

(Living Loving Community)

Do you want to participate in cultivating a safe space that helps others discover who they are and how they are naturally designed to be healthy, whole, and sacred human beings?

The Living Loving Community is a place where we gather to understand and share our experience, strength, and hope. We desire to become wise mentors who are committed to:

  • Forming and growing personal relationships

  • Participating in an authentic community

  • Supporting the health of our members.

  • Practicing the Basics

  • Abiding by principles that nourish and sustain connection.

  • Taking the steps to discover our true selves.

  • Experiencing & Enjoying Life

Who is this For?

The L.L.C. (Living Loving Community) is for anyone who wants to help others.

The L.L.C. is an actual place where anyone can come and discover who they are and how they are naturally designed to be healthy, whole, and sacred human beings.

Health, wholeness, and sacredness are not a result of individual choices. Nor is life a condition that needs a teacher, coach, doctor, preacher, or self-help guru to diagnose and deliver with a prescription of pills, procedures, formulas, information, books, or technology.

Instead, our healthy, whole, and sacred lives are an organic, dynamic, and mysterious connection. We are alive and beautifully supported, nurtured, and entangled in a web of relationships where we are known and accepted, grow and develop, fail and succeed, learn and mature. Our living connection thrives when we participate in a living, loving community where we can receive and give honor and be strengthened through practices, principles, personal relationships, real-life experiences, and wise mentors.


“Connection is health. And what our society does its best to disguise from us is how ordinary, how commonly attainable, health is. We lose our health - and create profitable diseases and dependences - by failing to see the direct connections between living and eating, eating and working, working and loving.” - Wendell Berry

Today, we are asking you to look at your own experience and see if the individual model of health has left you lonely, exhausted, languishing, and sick. Has it left you wanting something more than another diet, workout, hack, tip, podcast, prescription, or temporary result?

Perhaps, deep down we all know the only answer to what ails us is not another individual to-do list but a Living Loving Community where we can Breathe, Listen, Ask, Look, Touch© our sacred life and recover our health and wholeness.

Redeeming Health in Community

why personal relationships matter

why a Living Loving Community?

what is Practice The Basics?

further steps to discover your true self

why principles are important?

L.L.C. Principles

We can only maintain a higher level of consciousness and live more meaningfully by developing practical ways of living. Like Thoreau says, “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”

Communities, relationships, and individuals who practice the basics build strong foundations by encouraging principles, virtues, common sense, practices, personal connections, and experiences of awe and wonder.

Principles are most vital to individual and group formation. Like practices, principles help to provide structure and communicate the direction we want to go.

The L.L.C. Principles we teach and abide by:

  • Simplicity

  • Sensitivity

  • Honor

  • Curiosity

  • Creativity

  • Conviviality

“ A man's behavior should be the creature of his principles, not the creature of his circumstances. The point has great practical bearing, because belief and the principles believed in, and whatever hope and promise are implied in them, are destroyed in contradictory behaviar; hypocrisy salvages nothing but the hypocrite.” -Wendell Berry

What to expect?

From a Living Loving Community (LLC) Gathering…

  • You can expect to walk into a safe space and be warmly welcomed.

  • The hour-long group will be a time to participate in a Living Loving Community where everyone has a place.

  • Learn how to Practice The Basics and become a Mentor

  • Classes, workshops, and retreats are available to members.

  • Be encouraged, inspired, and nourished by weekly converations that help you remember who you are and how you are naturally designed to be a healhty, whole, holy human being.

  • Participate in a community committed to health formation and helping each other.